Industry Expertise
Our approach to strong, consistent performance begins with an in-depth understanding of your industry. Our team is well versed in the current industry-specific business environments in which we provide consulting services. This includes understanding the factors that have both a direct and indirect influence on your organization. These factors include your industry’s economic trends, current and potential clients and suppliers; competitors, technical factors, demographics, environmental factors, laws, regulations and government activities and market trends.
The business environment in which our clients work is complex, multi-faceted and dynamic and has huge impacts on the operations and growth of the organization. Nerthus aligns its services and solutions with the business environment to identify opportunity, threats, the organization’s strengths and weaknesses, formulate mission centered strategies, identify areas of growth to execute on the full scope of the consulting arrangement.
Nerthus specializes in the following industries:
- Government and Public Sector
- Healthcare, Life Sciences and Biotechnology
- Technology Sector
- Banking and Financial Services
- Engineering; Aerospace, Defense, Electrical, and Infrastructure
- Manufacturing & Advanced Materials
- Agriculture; Innovation and Imaging
- Transportation: Aviation, Rail, Maritime, and Pipeline
- Entertainment; Digital
Sample of Nerthus Clients
- U.S. Department of Defense
- U.S. Space Command
- National Geospatial Intelligence Agency
- U.S. Department of Transportation
- U.S. Department of Commerce
- U.S. Department of Agriculture
- U.S. Department of Interior
- State of Wyoming, Enterprise Technology Services
- State of Wyoming, Department of Health
- State of Wyoming, Department of Education
- State of Wyoming, Department of Family Services
- Colorado, Governor’s Office of Information Technology
- URS Corporation
- NATO 135 Working Group
- ISO 8000, 29001, 22745 Working Groups